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C/O 2024 College APPs! 12 Steps to Finding Your College Match & More
Before We Begin: Set Your Self Up For Success
Welcome to College APPs (1:03)
How to Use the Uprooted Academy Program (5:17)
The Admissions View of the College Application (0:58)
Making the Impossible Possible (8:21)
Researching A College Website (3:25)
ACTION: Download Your Workbook!
Application Platform Set Up Support
Application Guidance (39:30)
Preparing To Be A Competitive Applicant
Learning Yourself 101 (0:51)
Factors To Consider In Making A College List (1:21)
Searching For Colleges: Use Scoir! (1:48)
School Type Videos: Which school type is right for you? (40:01)
Demonstrated Intrest 101 (2:21)
Fly-In Programs (4:19)
Expert Advice from A University Academic Advisor and Career Advisor (12:08)
So You Want To Be An Athlete (33:08)
Finding Affordable Schools: Use DecidED! (1:51)
Understanding Your Financial Aid Award Letters (0:39)
LESSON 1: The Cheat Code
Lesson 1: Overview (2:30)
Lesson 1: Types of Universities (13:50)
Lesson 1: University Lingo (23:04)
Lesson 1: Resources On Campus (4:12)
Lesson 1: Experiences On Campus (9:45)
Lesson 1: Types of Curriculum & Degrees (11:44)
Lesson 1: Admissions 101 (6:47)
Lesson 1: The College Application (5:05)
Lesson 1: How To Manage The Stress (5:31)
Lesson 1: Researching A College Website (6:46)
Lesson 1: Action Steps (3:43)
Lesson 1: Workbook
Lesson 2: Deals and Deal Breakers
Lesson 2: Overview (4:05)
Lesson 2: Creating a College List (12:41)
Lesson 2: Academically and Socially Matching (9:52)
Lesson 2: Will I Get In (5:15)
Lesson 2: Action Steps (2:24)
Lesson 2: Workbook
Lesson 3: Finding A Major You Love
Lesson 3: Lesson Overview (4:12)
Lesson 3: Major Facts (4:28)
Lesson 3: What Is A Major? (0:48)
Lesson 3: Parallel Planning (4:09)
Lesson 3: Figuring Out Your Why (9:13)
Lesson 3: Researching A Potential Major (6:08)
Lesson 3: Action Steps (7:24)
Lesson 3: Workbook
Lesson 4: The True Cost of Attendance
Lesson 4: Lesson Overview (4:02)
Lesson 4: Financial Aid Terms (5:11)
Lesson 4: Cost of Attendance Breakdown (4:46)
Lesson 4: Things To Consider (1:31)
Lesson 4: Percentage of Need Met (11:39)
Lesson 4: Ways to Pay (7:43)
Lesson 4: Types of Loans (5:24)
Lesson 4: Working on Campus (1:42)
Lesson 4: Affordability Conversations with Family (6:30)
Lesson 4: Action Steps (4:17)
Lesson 4: Workbook
Financial Aid & Scholarships
FSA And FAFSA Set up (28:39)
Filling Out The FAFSA (in English)
Filling Out The FAFSA (in Spanishl)
Searching For Scholarships (18:00)
Lesson 5: Nailing Your Essay
Lesson 5: Lesson Overview (4:37)
Lesson 5: Writing Your Story Your Way (3:21)
Lesson 5: Purpose of the College Essay (4:12)
Lesson 5: Overall Writing Rules (9:33)
Lesson 5: Telling Your Story (2:45)
Lesson 5: Using The Hero's Journey In Your Essay (15:53)
Lesson 5: How To Make Your Essay Flow (4:51)
Lesson 5: Grammar and Word Count (1:35)
Lesson 5: Showcasing Yourself (3:26)
Lesson 5: Action Steps (2:59)
Lesson 5: Workbook
Essay Writing Support
Organizing Your Essay (4:21)
Uprooting Writers Block (7:05)
Common App Essay Breakdown (19:04)
Essay Tips From An Admissions Counselor (7:11)
Mindfulness and Stress Relief (16:12)
Meditation: Dealing With Anxiety
Meditation: Dealing With Fear
Meditation: Dealing With Shame
Meditation: Dealing with Lonliness
Meditation: Dealing With Guilt
Meditation: Dealing with Disappointment
Meditation: Leaning into Joy
Meditation: Leaning into Gratitude
Lesson 6: Campus Visits and Interviews
Lesson 6: Overview (4:14)
Lesson 6: Showing A School You Are Interested (4:48)
Lesson 6: Visiting A College Campus (1:53)
Lesson 6: Admissions Interview 101 (1:13)
Lesson 6: Preparing for Admission Interview (3:58)
Lesson 6: Actions Steps (3:08)
Lesson 6: Workbook
Lesson 7: Extracurriculars and Beyond
Lesson 7: Lesson Overview (2:17)
Lesson 7: Who Are You (5:20)
Lesson 7: Filling out applications (1:44)
Lesson 7: What is an activity (4:18)
Lesson 7: Tips for completing activity sections (3:12)
Lesson 7: Activity Examples (6:15)
Lesson 7: Action Steps (2:43)
Lesson 7: Workbook
Digital Portfolios (51:32)
Lesson 8: Answering School Based Essays
Lesson 8: Lesson Overview (3:41)
Lesson 8: What is a supplemental essay? (2:21)
Lesson 8: How to shine in your writing (2:53)
Lesson 8: Are you a good match? (2:36)
Lesson 8: Research 101 (3:34)
Lesson 8: The essay formula (2:07)
Lesson 8: Questions about people, ideas, place and things (1:53)
Lesson 8: Fun Questions! (2:35)
Lesson 8: Action Steps (1:53)
Lesson 8: Workbook
Lesson 9: Letters of Recommendations
Lesson 9: Lesson Overview (3:03)
Lesson 9: What you need to know (6:18)
Lesson 9: Who writes the letter (6:44)
Lesson 9: How to ask for a letter of recommendation (2:25)
Lesson 9: Action Steps (1:44)
Lesson 9: Workbook
Lesson 10: Submitting Applications
Lesson 10: Lesson Overview (2:48)
Lesson 10: Finishing the application (2:36)
Lesson 10: Sending in transcripts (0:56)
Lesson 10: Reporting Test Scores (1:20)
Lesson 10: Finalizing the activity list/resume (1:13)
Lesson 10: Following Up Letters of Recommendations (1:21)
Lesson 10: Supplemental Essay Revision (0:39)
Lesson 10: Financial Aid Rundown (1:03)
Lesson 10: Paying Fees (1:52)
Lesson 10: Action Steps (3:38)
Lesson 10: Workbook
Lesson 11: Choosing Amongst Acceptances
Lesson 11: Lesson Overview (1:21)
Lesson 11: What to expect on national decision day (3:48)
Lesson 11: Which one is you favorite school (0:50)
Lesson 11: Is the vibe right? (2:44)
Lesson 11: What is the financial package (4:26)
Lesson 11: The Bill Now and Later (9:39)
Lesson 11: Reading the bill (4:15)
Lesson 11: Questions? (2:58)
Lesson 11: Action Steps (3:24)
Lesson 11: Workbook
Lesson 12: Finalizing Your Enrollment
Lesson 12: Lesson Overview (1:31)
Lesson 12: Preparing for fall checklist (11:02)
Lesson 12: Action Steps (2:07)
Lesson 12: Workbook
Thank You And Good Luck!
Thank You & Goodluck! (1:01)
SURVEY: End Of Program Form
Adulting 101: Looking For Work & Managing Money
Creating a Resume (8:17)
Budgeting, Expenses & Savings (7:53)
Debt, Loans, Credit Cards & Credit Scores (6:52)
Paychecks, Taxes and Insurance (6:19)
Investing 101 (7:32)
Major and Career Research
BA in History
BS In Public Relations and Advertising + MBA in Marketing
AS in Culinary Arts
BS in Finance
BA in Political Science
BS in Ethnic Studies & Sociology + MA Cross Cultural Ministry
BS in Supply Chain Management
BS in Nursing + MS in Nursing + PhD in Nursing
BS in Social Work + MA in Social Work
BA in Human Resources
BS in Avionics & Electrical Engineering
BA in Management Information Systems + MBA in Technology Systems
BS in Interior Design
BA in Music & Sound Recording
BS in Economics
BS in Business Management + MBA
BS in Neurobiology & Physiology + Master in Public Health
BA in Sociology + JD (lawyer)
BS in Television Production
BS in Nanotechnology & Engineering
BA in Journalism + MA in Social Design
BS in Chemical Engineering + MBA
BA in Theater
BS in Marketing + MBA in Customer Experience Management
BS in Nursing
BS in Molecular Biology
BA in History + JD (law) + LLM
BS Mechanical Engineering
BA in Government & Poltics
BA Psychology
BS in Psychology + Doctorate in Psychology
BS in Mechanical Engineering
BA in Urban and Community Studies + MA in City and Regional Planning
BA in International Studies
Lesson 2: Creating a College List
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